Spider Veins
Cosmetic Procedures
Large, purple blood vessels that can be seen through the skin are called varicose veins or, more commonly, spider veins. They typically develop in the legs and are noticeably swollen and raised. Smaller spider veins can be red, purple or blue blood vessels. Spider veins develop in the legs or face and are also visible through the skin. Both spider veins and varicose veins twist and turn under the skin.
Risk Factors And Symptoms
There are a number of conditions that increase the chances of developing varicose veins and spider veins. These include family history, obesity, use of birth control pills, a history of blood clots, hormonal changes during pregnancy, puberty or menopause, and/or a career that involves standing for long periods of time. Women are more likely to develop varicose veins and spider veins than men. Common symptoms of varicose veins and spider veins are tiredness, restlessness, burning and a general aching in the legs.
Minor Treatment
To relieve pain from these veins, people often elevate their legs. Support stocking are an effective way to ease discomfort from varicose or spider veins. Good hygiene practices and walking are other non-surgical treatments. If obesity is a factor, weight loss helps treat varicose veins and spider veins. If lifestyle changes don’t effectively treat vein problems, there are surgical options as well.